How To Avoid Phishing & Malware Scams

Original Date: 2.14.23

Holidays Are Prime Time for Dangerous Emails

Beware of the Valentines in Your Email. Phishing and Malware email attempts are highest during the holidays. Make sure to hover over questionable links to view the actual address before clicking on them and know the email sender. Phishing and Malware can easily be disguised as a digital holiday card or special gift or holiday promotional link. Implementing an email threat protection solution is one of the best ways to cut back on those types of malicious communications even getting to a users inbox. Always make sure to ask your IT guy if there’s ever a question about the legitimacy of an email.

Get Help With Email Security

SA IT offers a full range of email security systems to keep your business and staff safe. We can also help modernize old email systems and migrate information securely to new servers or clouds.

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